Lean Manufacturing

ASD Group has pursued lean production with all the operating companies since 2003. Lean production provides uniform operating procedure, step and method for creating customer-centered rapid response and flow manufacturing system and reducing non-value-added activities among operating companies. While the continuous efforts are made to remove wastes, the customer demands serve as an essential factor for all the production and manufacturing events. After the one-piece-flow production method is used to start the flow manufacturing, the group has reduced diverse wastes significantly, shortened the overall product manufacturing cycle and the non-value-added time, and enhanced the internal labor productivity. In this way, the group can ensure sufficient delivery to meet all the customer demands and sharpen the competitive edge.

Latest Article
Jul 14  ASIMCO Tianjin - Safe Production Month Activities
May 26  ASIMCO Tianjin at the Metal + Metallurgy China 2016 EXPO